Unique automation solution for the immunoblot work station
Fully automated processing of immunoblots
The EUROBlotOne is a new, compact tabletop device for the complete processing of immunoblots.
Top Line Features
Fully automated system: Processing of immunoblot tests – from sample identification to the final result
Security: Integrated barcode identification ensures that the correct samples are pipetted
Flexibility: Autoimmune diagnostics, infectious serology and allergology on one system; many innovative multiparameter tests available
High walk-away capacity: Up to 44 samples can be analysed in one run
Simplified routine diagnostics: User-friendly software and hardware; minimal maintenance requirements
Reliability: Automated evaluation using the worldwide established and customer-friendly EUROLineScan software; bidirectional connection to LIS available (via EUROLineScan)
All-in-one: One supplier providing complete service and support for reagents, automated processor and software
44 positions in sample rack
Sample identification by means of integrated barcode scanner